naso tang


probably not. Especially not if you have a taller tank rather than longer. You will get a few visits from the Tang police.


Active Member
i don't recommend u attemt this but i've seen ppl do it....these fish need lots of room to roam and graze on algea all day...75g won't provide that...


I thought about getting one for my 180G, but decided against it because they get so big. The Naso could grow to a quarter the length of my tank


Active Member
I had one in a 125 for 4+ years, but I wouldn't do it any anything less than a 6 foot long tank, in fact in retrospect, it wasn't the best fish for my 125, but he seemed happy enough, he was roughly 7 inches long.


don't do it, I had mine in a 90 and the naso was pacing back and forth constantly. I now have a 240 and the tang is about 12 inches long from mouth to streamers and I don't know how much longer I can keep it in a 6 foot tank.