naso tang


Is it common for a naso tang to change colors.
Mine seems to change from light gray body to very dark almost black. Is this OK.
Also he cruises around the rocks so much that at times he has like scratch marks on its body.
He seems very happy and eats like a pig.


some fish change to a darker color when they get startled or when they are stressed. Some also change color over time


I have tried to get them out but i cant catch them.
I have read about traps and i made a crude bottle one, left it in the tank with food in it and they just laughed at me.
I dont want to remove all the rock so any suggestions will help.


I dont want to remove all the rock so any suggestions will help.
Fishing pole? :notsure: :D


Go after them with a vengence with a net. This just gets frustrating after a while but it worked for me. I would feed my fish and when the damsel would come to the top i would just hail down from above with my net when the other fish were not around. If you have too much rock though it could be a lost cause unless you can get them during feeding.


its prolly the damsels more than anything, i had those in my tank for a while and they would even chase eachother around sometimes

dave flood

I agree damsel problem. Naso should be ok in there for a while, but will have to get larger tank. I would try to get damsel out when tank has been dark for a while. I had the same problem, my naso is doing great now.:)


The second I put the net in the water they hide behind the rock. I think I will use the chase them in the corner and slide a piece of glass behind them trick.


just curious, but i was thinking of having a naso tang as well for a 72 bow front. Are you going to upgrade with those tangs in the future?


My naso tang is doing great in my tank.It is a 75 gal but the tang is only about 3 inches long.If he gets too big I have a friend that will take him in a couple of years.Great fish eats like a pig.



Originally posted by DENNISS
The second I put the net in the water they hide behind the rock. I think I will use the chase them in the corner and slide a piece of glass behind them trick.

Leave the net in the tank for a couple of days, let them get use to it. Then at a feeding try to swoop them up.