Naso Tangs.....??


Why do they all of a sudden get white blotches and end up dead? They eat for about 2 days and then it happens. All other fish are fine, water too.


Active Member
not all naso's do that at all.Sometimes they die of internal parasites.I would suggest you quaritening them for at least 30 days or more.I would also suggest before you buy another watch them for a couple days at the pet store to make sure they're ok
Hope This Helps,


What kind of water conditions do you have... What is the health of the fish when you purchased it?


Active Member
sounds like it may be ich
very common in tangs and is generally induced by stress
water quarlity, over crowding, poor handling or diet
tankmates or many resons
good advice on watching the fisha few days and even better on quarentining them
If it is ich, then your tank probably has a problem that should be addressedbecause nearly every fish in it is going to be succeptable to ich as well
you need to watch closely and if it is ich, quarentine all your fish and treat with hypo salinity and let the main tank empty for 1 month minimum


Active Member
By the way incase you didnt know when you do hypo slowly lower the salinity over 48 hours until it gets to 1.09 and make sure it stays there for 3 to 4 weeks and dont put them right back in.after 3-4 weeks slowly raise the salinity back up to whatever you tank salinity it is.Fshhub told me about garlic.It helps keep ich away from the fish I use Garlic Extreme made by Kent Marine my blue tang had some ich and after 4 days now his ich has went away for now garlic is a good for preventing it but its not an instant cure.I add it to their frozen food and a couple drops in the water.
Hope This Helps,


Active Member
definitely how old is your tank?
and is that the tank in your signature??
if so, you may be overstocked a bit and if you are not, then you soon will be, as they grow.


First, my tank has been running for over a year. None of of other fish are having any issues. It is not Ich on this fish. I've had a breakout of Ich before and I know what it looks like and this is not it. I want to lower my salt level, but I can't go too low because I have LR in the tank. If you go to the "disease and treatment" forum you will see that I am not the only one having this problem with Naso's. That fish was in my LFS for a week before I bought it. I am going to go get a UV sterilizer today. Hopefully that helps conditions. This has happened twice. Luckily, this fish died so soon that the FS told me that I could bring it back in and get a refund. I'm going to let the UV run for a few days before I add another.


Active Member
in that case, I am affraid that I have no idea, sorry
as for the salinity, and hypo, you do not do this in your main tank but in a seperate quarentine tank, but I am sure from your post that you already knew this.


I agree with fshhub. It sounds like ich to me, too.
Tangs are some of the species most prone to ich outbreaks. Your other fish may not show symptons because they may not be feeling the stress of being new to a tank that is borderline overcrowded and has some pretty aggressive tank-mates.
I think you'll have problems with any tang you try to put into your tank with its current inhabitants.