Naso Update


Active Member
He is now eating his seaweed sheets and emerald entree and formula 2 frozen. He didnt start till today when i added the garlic now that he has ate he dosent swim in his same corner up and down he goes in and out of the rockwork and he swims half way to the other side then turns around lol


Active Member
what should the next fish i add to the tank to give him a little company any ideas?Someone he can hang out with


Dont know about another tang, but I'm going to vote for a dwarf angel, Flame or Coral Beauty. Did you ever decide on a cleaner shrimp? This is the same naso, right?


Are neons cleaners? If they are, I didnt know it. We have a neon also, think he made short work of our peppermint but cant prove anything. Seems to get along well with the cleaner shrimp and the CBS is too big for him, rest of his mates are fine too. I've heard or read that neons can be aggressive to new tankmates if they are introduced after it. Correct me if I'm wrong. Ours happened to be the last addition, so I cant say that I've seen any aggression.