I got a Naso about a week ago. He ate a bit, but never with any enthusiasm. I tried garlic on seaweed selects and he seemed interested, but again...never ate voraciously . Two days ago I noticed he was looking thin. Today he looks concave and he is not swimming well. He is resting on the bottom and appears to be breathing heavy.
Ph is a bit low (8.0)
Nitrates 25
Ammonia is undetectable
Salinity is perfect
The other fish are flourishing and there appeared to be no agression to the new Tang at all. I was actually amazed at how smooth the introduction was.
The tank is a well established 125 long with a blue hippo (4") a niger trigger (3.5") a velevt damsel (2.5") and a volitan lion (4")
From reading the threads on Naso tangs I'm guessing this is common. I've given him a week as suggested in the other threads, but he really doesn't look good. Any thoughts?
Ph is a bit low (8.0)
Nitrates 25
Ammonia is undetectable
Salinity is perfect
The other fish are flourishing and there appeared to be no agression to the new Tang at all. I was actually amazed at how smooth the introduction was.
The tank is a well established 125 long with a blue hippo (4") a niger trigger (3.5") a velevt damsel (2.5") and a volitan lion (4")
From reading the threads on Naso tangs I'm guessing this is common. I've given him a week as suggested in the other threads, but he really doesn't look good. Any thoughts?