

I need advice please. I need some snails to keep my sand clean, and to keep the top level stirred. I was thinking about nassarius snails. They are for sale on the big E. 50 for around 15.00 or 100 for the same price,and includes shipping. From what I can read on this board they would be the best way to go. I am going with a reef, its my understanding they are safe. I have a 35 hex. I think I need the 50. I just dont know. I hope I dont sount stupid. I just want to make sure a mistake is not made. please. :help:


Active Member
I would 50 nassarious in a 35 would be good. They do an excellent job with cleaning the sand and keeping it turned over. I have 400 of em in my180 if that helps


Active Member
i love em. i would guess i have around 200 as part of my sand crew and they do a great job.


Active Member
They are wonderful, however, hermits will take over the shell, so get as many as you can. :thinking:


Active Member
Nassarius snails are not for keeping sand bed clean.....These snails are detrious eaters, so they won't eat the brown from your sand....


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Nassarius snails are not for keeping sand bed clean.....These snails are detrious eaters, so they won't eat the brown from your sand....

all the diving in and out of the sand does a great job keeping it stired and clean in my tanks. every time i feed the tank they come out like mad and once they go back its like i added all new sand


Active Member
Yeah they do alot of diving and such and do come out for food, but they aren't algae grazers........


Active Member
just make sure you dont get whelks. they look like nassarious, but actually eat other snails and clams. if you look at my history of posts you can see where i linked a website that tells the difference.


Originally Posted by cajamajo
I need advice please. I need some snails to keep my sand clean, and to keep the top level stirred. I was thinking about nassarius snails. They are for sale on the big E. 50 for around 15.00 or 100 for the same price,and includes shipping. From what I can read on this board they would be the best way to go. I am going with a reef, its my understanding they are safe. I have a 35 hex. I think I need the 50. I just dont know. I hope I dont sount stupid. I just want to make sure a mistake is not made. please. :help:

What's the big E???


Active Member
When I put nassarious snails in my tank they have pretty mush stayed on the LR and the side of the tank. I rarely see them in the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
When I put nassarious snails in my tank they have pretty mush stayed on the LR and the side of the tank. I rarely see them in the sand.
Thats really strange. OUt of the hundreds that I have as well as the thousands the LFS has its rare in deed to see em hanging on liverock or on the sides of the tank. About the only I ever see mine is when I feed they just erupt out of the sand. Same thing for the LFS, when someone buys any, they need to throw in some food and in a few seconds the snails erupt out of the sand bed, then they can be picked out. Are you sure you indeed have nassarius snails? I have seen a few every now and then slipping along the glass leaving a slime trail or crossing over some live rock, but they remain primarily in the sand buried.


Active Member
Actually my mistake. Come to think of it I don't see them during the day so they must be under the sand. It's only at night I see them mostly on the sides of the tanks and in the rock.


Thanks for the info. They were mud whelks. I almost made a mistake. I guess when things are cheap there is a reason. Thanks for looking out


Active Member
That pic that Supalupa posted with the white nassarious snails are different then mine. Mine are black and look just like the ones for sale on this site.


I dont know if these are good or bad im confused. This is what the auction says:
The species of snail I am offering for sale here is known by several scientific and common names including Nassarius Obsoleta, also known as Ilynassa Obsoleta and to seashell collectors as the Eastern Mud Dog whelk.


if you can find them olive sand sifter snails are great. my lfs had them about a year ago and i put 5 in my 29 gal thei get about 1inch 1 1/2 inches and cruise arond under sand its looks like creatures from movie tremors when they move. i only saw them that 1 time and would defintally get more if i could