

Im looking for recommendations on how many Nassarius snails to add to my 55 Gallon tank... the Sand bed is 3-4 inches deep... I am assuming thats a DSB??
Also how many turbos are recommended?


5 to 10 Nassarious snails
15 Turbos
15 Cerith snails
A dozen or so scarlet hermits.
and one fighting conch


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
5 to 10 Nassarious snails
15 Turbos
15 Cerith snails
A dozen or so scarlet hermits.
and one fighting conch

15 Turbos? I personally don't think that is a good idea.
They Eat A LOT and mainly only Diatoms.
I rule of thumb is 1 per 20Gallons. So maybe 3 at best..
I had 10 in my 65 and they all ended up starving.


what are your thoughts sw65galma??
I was thinking more nass snails since they are so small and i have alot of sand...
And i wasnt thinking anymore then 5 tubos any either.
I aready have 3 Funnel Turbos
3 Scarlet Hermets
and a couple different shrimp.


Active Member

Originally posted by Shnabbles
what are your thoughts sw65galma??
I was thinking more nass snails since they are so small and i have alot of sand...
And i wasnt thinking anymore then 5 tubos any either.
I aready have 3 Funnel Turbos
3 Scarlet Hermets
and a couple different shrimp.

Hands down i'd say Trochus (sp?)
They are one of the few than can right themselves if they flip over. I have two in my Nano that are mean lean eating machines! They are awsome!
My others in my other tank got eaten by my Chocolate star :mad: