nasty moray


New Member
Well the subject says it all. I ended up with a spotted moray that I'm keeping for a friend until he is able to take it. Problem is he has already eaten a miniatus & is now chasing my lion aruond the tank, just curious if anyone thinks he'll ever calm down.
How big is it ? Eating the grouper sounds like it was hungry, but just chasing a lion around sounds like it is stressed out. eels rarely chase other fish unless there hungry or defending it's territory.
IMO give it back to your friend and let him deal with it, there is no reason for it to be killing your fish.


New Member
yeah he got it for free and has no place for it as of yet & since my tank just cycled and all I had was the grouper & a lion at the time I said sure throw it in there. Now I know why it was free!!!

beach bum

Spotted morays (Gymnothorax moringa) are just about as nasty as they come, they will eat anything and are extremely excitable when they smell food. It will eat your lion, get it out now, even if you stuff the eel full with food it will still try to swallow what it catches at night. Believe me, I had a 22-24" one that ate two medium size 6" and 7" volitans. Now I keep a juvenile with an undulate trigger, and the eel is the boss.

beach bum

Just stick a piece of silverside or something on a feeding stick and lure him out, when he is exposed get him with a big net, it's not too difficult. Good luck.