nasty pods ??


Just noticed a white spot on my Mandarins back by his dorsal. It is a pod.
I remember seeing about a type of pod that fed on the blood of "host" fish.
My mandarin is extremely camera shy so I am having a hard time getting a pic.
How do I get it off safely or is that necessary??


Active Member
I don't think it is a copepod, but it may be Ick. You may wish to post in the disease forum, and be sure to add specifics about your tank:
Live Rock
Specific water parameters
How long you have had the fish


it is not ick. it is a single organism with a tail and 2 black eyes. It was not on mandarin a few hours ago.
tank is 4 months old
dont have parameters right now, will get tomorrow afternoon.
I have about 40# LR and 40# LS
I have had the Mandarin for about a month.
Picture a solid white manatee, with a split tail and black eyes - that is what it resembles
Thanks for the reply


sounds like a bad isopod cant remember how to spell them though but there is a post called 'That Hurt" do a search for it and see if that pic is what you got.


That looks very much like it
now, what do I do about it??
Thanks Thomas, It is hard to tell from your pic, But I do appreciate your assist
I knew if anyone could tell me, MichaelTX was the man!!
That looks like it


dont give me the credit I just spend endless nights on here LOL
I havent had this proplem as of yet. do a search for Cirolanid Isopod and there is a lot of info by people that have had the problem before.
Thats all the onfo that I can give ya on them other than they are bad if thats what ya got.


I did read that thread too. I am gonna net the Mandarin and carefully crush the isopd with some hemostats


from what I understand (which isnt muchon these ) is that they can release from the fish and swim back into the rock so you might have to look for a different way to rid it.


well I know where the Mandarin sleeps and I netted him in the dark. THe isopod was still on it so I kept the net in the water and locked onto it. It is now out of my tank.
Wierd thing - I havent heard of mandarins exuding slime in the amount that was in the net (quite alot).
The Mandarin is stressed now, so I will watch it for 30 minutes and make sure he is ok.
Thank you all for the replies.


Active Member
Yikes. When you said 'white spot' I wasn't thinking anything as sizeable as a cirolanid. But once you have a cirolanid, you may have more. You will probably want to do some searches for this....there was a recent thread in the reefs forum. They are bad bad bad indeed.


I read that thread and got that impression. I will just have to keep an eye on the fish, which I do anyways (for hours and hours).
Thank You for your help also. The pic that you posted was hard to determine, due to the profile shot. but it is gone to septic tank heaven.
:D :D


Active Member

Originally posted by MichaelTX
Cirolanid Isopod
does it look like this.
this picture was posted by argo

My God that is a scary looking creature! I'm glad there aren't any large ones that come after humans????? Or is there such a creature in the oceans? Lesley