national aquarium & sant ocean hall


Active Member
i went to both these places in washington DC in october (while i was offline) and i took tons of pics but have been too lazy to put them up. im uploading them to photobucket as we speak. might take a couple days to get them all up. a bunch are missing because my camera did something funny & didnt save a bunch of the pics, but i guess you guys wont know the difference anyways.

reef noob

cant wait to see the pics.
i haven't posted since mid-summer. (so i beat you without trying)

nice pic. you look kinda goth to me?


Active Member
crap, ive got about 100 more, but i just realized that im posting some more than once, cause im retarded & probably messed up my upload. ill sort though them, reupload, and probably post them tomorrow.
thanks demartini!