Natural Shells


I recently spent 10 days in Krabi, Thailand on vacation. I collected some shells off the beach as momentos but was wondering what the consequences would be to add them to an aquarium. I don't plan on it but was curious. As a side note, I have a better appreciation for fish, coral and live rock after snorkeling at Hong Island. What amazing colors of coral and fish in its natural state. This experience has made me more aware and more conscienctious about maintaining my aquarium at its highest level possible. Anyone having the opportunity to dive or snorkel in the tropics go for it!


i got some small hermit shells when i went to Pananma City Beach Florida. They are all white and tan but I added them to my aquarium and now you see Scarlett hermits in them all the time. I washed them out and they work great i think


Active Member
Any beach collected shells are ok, but, I would boil them before adding them to the tank.


Yup, boil away!!
Shawn, if you like snorkeling, you should check out Scuba Diving. Thats how I got into SWF tanks...I like diving so much I wanted to be able to see the reef any time, so I built my own...


Active Member
I need shells. I have hermits and they take over shells, but I def. need some for others. I have no access to ocean. Any ideas? LFS had nill.. Anyone want to sell me any?


Active Member
Any of you guys snorkel or dive in Pennecamp State Park? I did in 1984, and just last year. So its almost 20 years. The water didn't seem as clear. Anyone else notice?