Nature's Ocean Sand



Okay, I checked out the website, but no pricing or online ordering information. I e-mailed them. Where do you buy yours? How much does it cost (per pound/5lbs/10... however they sell it). Thanks!


LFS? I went to the site and it is a message board. Is there a store site?


Oops, I did see it on this site. Don't have the bucks. I don't think 20lbs will be enough even to start. The 40lb bag is probably better. So, about the CC controversy -- So, best not to mix CC with sand at all huh? That means I need to wait until I have the bucks for enough sand for my 50 gal. (I already have CC, but nothing is in the new tank yet).


Active Member
get any aragonite sand(dry), and seed it with ls, it will become live, and you can buy dry sand from hardware stores for @ 5$+/- for @50 lbs, just be careful what you buy, i don't know what is available out there, but if you shop around and check back with what you find, someone will help you to get the right stuff, or someone may chime in and tell you what is available locally for sand in your area(that would be safe for your tank)
just make sure it is aragonite (first choice)
or silica, or quartz(i have heard this is ok too)


Yes there are many options. For a long time it was thought that silica sand was no good. Now many say it's OK. You can save a lot of money by using "dead sand" and adding a litte bit of live to seed it or just relying on your live rock for the seeding. Works but takes longer.
I did My DSB by compromise. 4 1/2" 1/3 dead argonite, 1/3 Natures Ocean, 1/3 Florida Keys Live Sand. Now I'm in the market for critters to boost the bed which is about 3 months old now.


Oh Yes about the CC. I too had to do the switch. I would just take the CC out and add the sand. Place some of the CC in pantyhose sacks on the surface of your bed for awhile so the bacteria have a chance to migrate to the sand.
I didn't even do that and experienced only a small and short lived amonia spike but I had a lot of live rock in place.