Nature's Ocean?


Has anyone on this site ever orderd nature's ocean live sand or the live keys sand. I need to get some live sand for my tank but I want to check with some people first. I have read about both and they both sound good but I have no clue. So if anyone has used either one and can give me the pro's and con's then I would really appreciate it. Thanks


I am going to be purchasing the florida keys LS within the next couple of weeks. I asked almost the same question recently and someone replied that the keys LS worked very well, with lots of critters.....


Do you think that it would be ok for me to mix 20lbs of Keys sand and 20lbs of Nature's Ocean or just get 40lbs of Keys sand?


Many people will tell you that to mix it is fine, just make sure that you put the natures ocean sand in first and then the florida keys on top. Do not mix them together yourself. Eventually all of the sand becomes live...... I am personally going to go with all Keys LS... but either way is probably fine.


Thanks. I was thinking the same thing by doing all Keys sand but I just wanted to see what somebody else thought. You have been a real help!


One more quick question. I was reading your thread about LS and LR. I didn't quite understand though. Should I add the live rock first ( I was planning on buying from this site) and then after my tank runs then the live sand? I want to put about 2" of sand in my tank and the site told me 40lbs. I just want to get everything right before ordering.


From most of my readings, it is better to add the LR first. If you are getting the pre-cured LR from this sight then you should definatelly add the LR first, because it will have some die-off and will probably take a week or 2 to fully cure. Then you can add the LS. One very good suggestion in another thread was to put egg crate at the bottom of your tank, then add LS up to the top of the egg crate----apx. 1/4 in., then add the CURED LR how you like it... then finally add the rest of your LS...


Thanks, I am sure glad I cleared this up before I went in over my head. :joy: You have really cleared things up for me!