

i posted this in the reef forum; after reading about them i think it might best here. just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these.


Active Member
Colder water species, EXTREMELY EXTREMELY delicate and require large tanks.
Most public aquariums dont even keep them, they're that hard to keep. Dont expect one to live more than a few weeks, to a month, if you purchase one.
Definately one species that deserves to be left in the ocean.


Active Member
If I'm not mistaken these species travel up and down thousands of feet in the water columm. Doesn't sound like a good candidate for aquariums to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
not thousands

Yes, thousands.
On top of the other reasons given, they also require almost no light. So, if you were to get one, you'd be able to use nothing but moonlights.


In the wild, nautiluses usually inhabit depths of about 300 m, rising to around 100 m at night for feeding, mating and egg laying. The shell of the nautilus cannot withstand depths greater than approximately 800 m.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
In the wild, nautiluses usually inhabit depths of about 300 m, rising to around 100 m at night for feeding, mating and egg laying. The shell of the nautilus cannot withstand depths greater than approximately 800 m.
So why did you post for information when you've apparently already done some searching in regards to the species and no it's not an animal for the home aquarium or a LFS.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
not thousands
Sorry... 1500ft. Taken from Shedd's webpage "The chambered nautilus lives off steep slopes of coral reefs at depths of 1,200 to 1,500 feet (3,996 to 4,995 m). This is a safe place for them to live because they have few predators that live that deep. At night, the nautilus rises to the reef to catch its food."


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
So why did you post for information when you've apparently already done some searching in regards to the species and no it's not an animal for the home aquarium or a LFS.......


i have done research on my many of you just come to this message board for your research? :thinking: if you read the original question i asked "has anyone had any experience with a nautilus." now while you have offered some colorful opinions no one has answered that yet. im not trying to start an argument i just posted some info that i had found. the lfs has this in their coral setup that is very shallow and has mh lights, and it has been there for a month. i just thought i would get it because i could offer it more than that.


Active Member
The answer to your question is yes I've had experience with them and again, you already did the research so why the questions....You know they aren't for the home's a waste of time....this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
i have done research on my many of you just come to this message board for your research? :thinking: if you read the original question i asked "has anyone had any experience with a nautilus." now while you have offered some colorful opinions no one has answered that yet. ....
Read any of Acrylic's posts and you'll see he's "done his research". I'd like to think the time I've "researched" as well is evident in my posts... I've got a relevant degree, volunteered in a State Aquarium for 3 years, logged approx 30 dives in the South Pacific, and own a nice little library I add to monthly.
Where have either of our posts offered opinion??? We've stated facts about the Nautilus and pointed out they are not for the home aquarium. Based on the size, habits, and requirements of the species that's fact.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KidWicked
Did you read this comment in the article: "On October 27, 1990, we hatched our first Nautilus belauensis. Of the ten hatchlings produced at the Waikiki Aquarium, two survived to over one year of age, providing the first growth data on young nautilus." or "Using the results from our field research, we constructed aquariums that allowed temperatures to vary from 14º C to 22º C (57º to 72º F)"


Active Member
Like I stated it's pointless and worthless to even argue or entertain this debate......If the Aquarium with all their resources and "think tanks" have very poor success rates, then why even try to argue the mundane facts.....They aren't for the hobby, better left in the wild.....Yes and I've seen where 2 people posted that their LFS has them......Say that in a year.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
i have done research on my many of you just come to this message board for your research? :thinking: if you read the original question i asked "has anyone had any experience with a nautilus." now while you have offered some colorful opinions no one has answered that yet. im not trying to start an argument i just posted some info that i had found. the lfs has this in their coral setup that is very shallow and has mh lights, and it has been there for a month. i just thought i would get it because i could offer it more than that.
If you do and did as you said..."done research on your own, and many of us come to the boards for our research, then why even put it out there for the public since you "have more or better knowledge and haven't seen or worked first hand with them...."? Please EDUCATE US WITH THE KNOWLEDGE WE NEED!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KidWicked
its just a stupid mollusk.. if you want one get one.. christ..
First off, you've been asked before to watch the language... Second, why are you in this hobby again? They make great Marine Aquarium screen savers...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
First off, you've been asked before to watch the language... Second, why are you in this hobby again? They make great Marine Aquarium screen savers...
Yeah really