nautilis.. soo cooool!!!


Active Member
wow guyzz.. i went to the lfs and wsa doing my regular walk around the tanks to see what new came in... seen some nice looking fish.. but still the regular stuff u see..... soo i went to goo see the 2 huge morays (about 4' or more) they have like i usually do before i leave.. i look at the 2 eels and turn to leave.. that was when i spot them... he have 2 Nautilis floating in his lr tank.. they where really colorful. much like a clams shell would be like.. they where about the size od a cd and about 2'' thick... i was just staring at the prehistoric thing then it happend... one of them opened it's little trap door and came out.. and man was that thing ugly but soo coool... the used his tenticle and swam around. then made way to the front glass of the tank and started to eat the featurduster that where living on the glass ... it was friggin kool man...


Unfortunately, from what I understand, the poor things are doomed. They don't do well in home aquariums.


Active Member
So sad to hear they end up in an LFS. But not a surprise. They don't belong in home tanks :(


Active Member
yeah.. soo true that they dont belong in a hame aquarium... we just dont know much about this prehistoric thing to do it good... and too bad this thing is going exticnt too... darn evolution!!! ....


Ya it is a shame. I just saw one at the lfs the other day as in Detroit. Must be one a the new "cool" things.


Active Member
There was just an auction on ---- that ended a few days ago or so...Person was auctioning two chambered nautilus. Don't think they sold as the opening bid was $500 for one. THey do not do well in the home aquarium and belong on the "better left in the ocean" list.