nautilis te adjusting?


Anyone know how to get the nautilis te working properly? Mine just doesn't seem to produce much. My tank is young (6 months 90 gal) so maybe there's nothing to skim....but my nitrates are high (60-80...water change again tomorrow), and I've had my hands in there moving stuff around recently so I thought it would be doing something.
The venturi is that air hose, right? It has no adjustment, and the tube that slides up and down doesn't seem to go high enough. I bought it used to no instructions.
What do I need to do?


Active Member
The tube that slides up and down is the adjuster... mine works best when the top of the tube is about 1" below the black collar.


Active Member
Nut, why can't you add a Gate valve to those puppies? Seems to me that would be the best way to adjust..


Wow, I've been having mine way up to the top trying to get it to foam high enough. Hmmm, I'll try it lower.
What's a gate valve?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
I bet you could... never thought about it. That may allow for better adjusting??

Its really help with adjusting my ER. They take upa little more room but are well worth it.
Next time your in the PVC section of the hardware store ask to see a sch 80 PVC gate valve....Most I have seen have red handles and NO metal screws.


So it does the same thing as a ball valve? So you can adjust the amount of water flow to the skimmer?


Active Member
Well kind of... it would control the flow out of the skimmer. Also a gate valve gives you a better adjustment ability than a ball vale.