O my lord, if andrew treats his girls like he does his fish, then well... i think all the females in the world would commit suicide, and becuz of him, the humans will go extinct. He will kill his tangs, KILL them. Id agree on three different tangs, but surely even u should know, that fish that look the same, are the smae zie, shape and color, will go after each other becuz they are afraid, in a sense, that they are gonna be overpowered by one of its same species. There WILL be a huge fight in his tank, and many shall die. Im actually gonna keep a tally, of all of the fish that die. Maybe u should slap some sense in him, and at least change his name, so it desont say "agresive expert". He didnt even spell agGresSive right. If he doesnt change it, I will never leave him alone. I will be right on top of him, and correct every single mistake he makes, like I have been, and I will not spread a single bit of envy or heart towards him.