Need a clean up crew for 33 gallon long tank


I was wondering what you guys would recommend as a clean up crew for my tank.
It is a 33 long and has 40 pounds of live sand and 25 pounds of live rock. I plan on getting some nice corals soon too but for now I have the following.
1 blue hippo tang
2 ocellarus clowns
1 blue damsel
1 velvet damsel
1 yellow tail blue damsel
2 blue leg hermits, 1 is MIA though, he left his shell 2 days ago
What will eat the food that my fish don't eat, for some reason they won't eat it once it touches the bottom.


Not to discourage you, but IMO you have too many fish unless you have a well established tank and a large fuge. The tang will also require a lot more room than your tank can provide. How long has the tank been running and what kind of filtration do you have- power heads, skimmer, etc.?
But for your clean up crew go with something like this.
Scarlet Hermit Crabs 5
Mexican Turbo Snails or
Margarita Snails 10
Dwarf Red Tip Hermit or
Dwarf Zebra Hawaiian Hermit 20
Good luck and continue reading on this message board. There is so much to learn when it comes to this hobby and there are quite a few helpful people on this site.


you can buy one of the cleanup crews off here, personally i do 1 clean up crew member per 1 gallon of water... my 29 has over 30 cleanup crew members (I mix it up):
scarlet hermits
blue leg hermits (only a few... they get mean to snails)
turbo snails
1-3 shrimp (your choice)
queen conch
1 starfish (serpent or brittle when your tank is ready)


Thanks guys, my Tang is only about 1.5 inches and I plan on upgrading to a larger tank eventually, al of my fish are less than 2 inches so from what the owner of the store I go to says they should be okay.


Active Member
The best part is when you get to watch the hermit crabs rip the snails out of their shells and kill them for their shells <sarcasm>. Stick to either pinchers or feet. But you can be sure that the hermit crabs will kill your snails.


Originally Posted by damselz
Thanks guys, my Tang is only about 1.5 inches and I plan on upgrading to a larger tank eventually, al of my fish are less than 2 inches so from what the owner of the store I go to says they should be okay.
your lfs is lying that is way to many fish i would take the damsels and blue tang back and get other fish


Active Member
what good would it do fro damselz to take the fish back and get new ones if you think it is to many, i recommend taking the damsels out anyways but to tell damselz that it is to many fish to take them back and get more is redundant, not to mention knowing how long the tank has been seet up and the other parameters would be helpful before jumping to the conclusion that that is to many fish... However i do agree that the tang will need much more room in the future, and rather than slow its growth in a small tank i would take it back until you are ready to put it in a larger tank..