need a computer wiz!!!!!!!!!


so what im looking to do is use my desktop as the computer and have my laptop as the extended screen is this possible???? i have tried to search how to do it but seem to find only the reverse to use external monitor thanks in advance


Active Member
Yeah, unless your laptop is 'special', you'd have to do some awful things to make that happen.
Zim, haven't seen you around lately.


Originally Posted by mpdan
so what im looking to do is use my desktop as the computer and have my laptop as the extended screen is this possible???? i have tried to search how to do it but seem to find only the reverse to use external monitor thanks in advance
A Zip drive will allow you to have the same things on each computer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Yeah, unless your laptop is 'special', you'd have to do some awful things to make that happen.
Zim, haven't seen you around lately.
I've been here! Just having been posting much since all the political bashing threads annoy the hell out of me
Originally Posted by Shyfish

A Zip drive will allow you to have the same things on each computer.
Zip drive? Did we get transferred back to 2000? USB stick! Cheap, and huge amount of data...


Thats what i ment. I am over 50 give me a break! LOL I loose words and zip is all that came to mind. The idea is there, can a USB stick help poor mpdan???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyfish
Thats what i ment. I am over 50 give me a break! LOL I loose words and zip is all that came to mind. The idea is there, can a USB stick help poor mpdan???
I was only kidding!
It seems from his original post that he wants to use the screen on his laptop as the monitor for his desktop. Didnt say anything about sharing files between 2 computers, so I dont see how a USB stick or any other portable memory device would help things


Hi, glad you were kidding,
I wanted to do this once, all I wanted was to be mobile and get home and actually SEE
the screen. I liked my desktop monitor better.
Back then I was told to get a "Zip drive" So I passed the same advice along.
Putting a desktop monitor with a laptop....Its kind of funny really... Its like putting a string on a cordless phone so you wont loose it. The whole idea of a laptop is mobility.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyfish
Putting a desktop monitor with a laptop....Its kind of funny really... Its like putting a string on a cordless phone so you wont loose it. The whole idea of a laptop is mobility.
we do it at work all the time...


Originally Posted by drpaul84
why not just buy another lcd monitor? can be found everyday for under 200 bucks for 19-22"
outta work right now not in the budget i have a media center and wanted to be able to have laptop as extension to the screen but i figured it out maxivista allows you to do this 14 day free trial $30 to purchase all you need is a network im using lan thru router thanks for the help once im back to work new lcd monitor is on my list along with hqi lighting for tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Same here... My salesforce is all mobile but have docking stations with 20" LCD's for when they are actually in the office.
Yeah, I run a dock at both of my offices as well. Trying to code on a laptop is pretty much grounds for a worker's comp claim, plus the fact I can run dual monitors makes me twice as productive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mpdan
so what im looking to do is use my desktop as the computer and have my laptop as the extended screen is this possible???? i have tried to search how to do it but seem to find only the reverse to use external monitor thanks in advance
If you're on XP, it's totally possible. Depending on your video card, you can determine which is Monitor 1 and which is Monitor 2... and you can select which ones to use. I was able to do it on my Dell laptop.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
If you're on XP, it's totally possible. Depending on your video card, you can determine which is Monitor 1 and which is Monitor 2... and you can select which ones to use. I was able to do it on my Dell laptop.
Not sure you understood what he was trying to do. From his first post he wanted to use the screen on his laptop as the monitor for his desktop, not the other way around.


Originally Posted by mpdan
so what im looking to do is use my desktop as the computer and have my laptop as the extended screen is this possible???? i have tried to search how to do it but seem to find only the reverse to use external monitor thanks in advance
Yes and No.
You can use your MAIN display to Extend your desk top from your lap top.
But you can not display your main Desktop to your lap top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Not sure you understood what he was trying to do. From his first post he wanted to use the screen on his laptop as the monitor for his desktop, not the other way around.
Ahh I see.... why would he want to do that? hmmm


i wanted to extend my desktop monitor to the lap top have more screens open i have media center with tv tuner i have the dish hooked up to the desktop but i figured it out maxivista let you use laptop as extended monitor