Need a goby and pics


I am wanting a goby to place in my 55 gal that has been up since 01/20/06 I have close to 85-90lbs of LR and about 1" - 1 1/2" sandbed. I also have a 10 gal fuge and 20 gal sump. I really want a twin spot goby but I have heard that they are hard to keep and kinda like a mandrin the tank needs to be up atleast 1 yr. I want something that is really fun to watch and does not get to big for my tank. Well Here is a couple pic's of my tank.
Curent stock:
5 Green chromis's
1 royal gramma
1 false perc clown
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
2 feather dusters



I don't have any pics, but I have a neon goby and a citron goby. Both are neat fish. The neon goby is a cleaner and only gets about 1.5-2 inches long. They both have their own unique personality. I enjoy watching both of them.


I would be a bit careful with getting a goby, especially an engineer (oh how I would LOVE to have one!!) Your rock work looks great and I love the cave system you have going. I have something similiar in my tank. When I got a pair of Watchman Gobies, they did what Gobies do... they dug and knocked down some of my rockwork. I ended up putting them in different tank that didn't have the extensive rockwork.
If your rockwork is glued or attached to a frame, I would say GO FOR IT! but if not, then be careful that your rockwork doesn't get messed up.


Active Member
He looks to have plenty of caves for a goby. You can google these...yellow watchman, orange stripe prawn goby, neon goby{gold or blue}, court jester goby, trimma goby, clown goby{green,yellow,citron,black}. I have a pair of trimmas, a neon, 2 yellow watchmans, court jester, and a tiger goby. I would not suggest the latter as they are very elusive. Here is a pic of the trimma goby.



I have 2 engineer gobies =)
I know the mandarin is a dragonet and not a goby
......but he is so damn CooL!!




engineers get huge though.....13 inches sometimes full grown
75 is usually recommended for these.....wish i could have one though