need a goby, don't know which one


Looking to add a goby to my tank. I currently have a comet grouper who is unusally placid for a grouper, and two blue damsels. The tank is about 30 gallons and and about 40 pounds of rock. I would like to add a goby to keep the substrate a touch cleaner, I hate having to stir it up when it comes to cleaning time.
The damsels are generally somewhat beligerant, as most damsels are, but they stay away from anything that is bigger than them.
So what goby do I add?????


Yellowhead sleeper, orangespot sleeper, twinspot goby are all good sand sifting gobies. Twinspot is my personal favourite.


The Engineer aka Convict Goby would do a good job. However, he'll probably do a lot of burrowing and possibly cause a lot of rock slides. To some, that may be a nuisance. To me, that's what gives the fish his personality.
Otherwise, a Sand Sifting Star will do wonders for your substrate.


Engineer might get too big for your tank. Get either Diamond or Blue-cheek Goby. They do a superb job when it comes to sand sifting. Just make sure to get a fully-grown specimen so that your damsels won't bully him.


Is it true that I have to but gobies in 2 or 3's?? The local LF store said if you buy them singly they die, but I have a freind who has a yellow headed sleeper and he is doing just fine.


That's simply ludicrous. Your LFS is just trying to trick you into buying more gobies. I've never heard of anything like that.....but it is true for Twin Spot Goby. You are better off with just one goby because they usually do not appreciate the presence of another same speicies unless they're a mated pair. Another problem is more than one sand-sifting goby will create a big sand storm in your tank. If this is your concern, you can a pair of Twin Spot Goby. They're constant sifters, but at the same time they're not going to cloud the whole tank.