need a good fish


Hi everyone, I need some help. I was thinking about getting amadarian, the lfs has a blue but not a green what is the differences? Is this a good fish to maintain? I have a 46 gal. with approx 50 lbs LR. I also have some crabs and snails. Tank has been set up for a little over a month but I have a lot of pods in my tank-they are all over my glass. I know this fish eats them but is there anything else live that I can buy for him to eat?
Should I go with this fish or go with a different type of goby.
Last thing is I recently got 2 fals percs and within 3 days they passed, I think they were sick from the get go because they wouldnt eat, they also had whit spots tha looked like bubbles on them that would come and go. I thought that maybe it was brooklynella or ic, Is it ok to put more fish in the tank again now that there is no fish in there now or do I needf to treat the water with something. My levels are fine-ammonia0,nitrite0,nitrate10,ph 8.3.
Any suggestions, please help.
All comments welcome


Active Member
DONT get a manderin , expecially in a newly set up tank, they need around 100 Lbs of live rock and a high pod population


Active Member
i have one and it eats brine that has been soaked in zoe. Hes been doing this for about 8months and still kicking. But it is hard to train them to eat brine so don't take the chance i had someone who knew what he was doing.


Active Member
get about 7 tangs and 4 triggers..j/k..(listens for sirens) :hilarious I would go with the sixline...good about a dwarf lion or something of that nature?


Active Member
Zoe is a vitamin enricher. It makes your brine or what ever food you soak in the Zoe more nutrious for the fish. It really brings out the fishes colors :jumping: