Need a list of Reef Safe Fish!

lady becca

I purchased a couple of fish at the suggestion of my "Coral" supplier. This guy has all of the fish that I bought in his tanks, and he has 30,000 gal of tanks full of corals. He is a wholesale coral supplier. But the fish I bought picked at my corals and kept them closed constantly. I took the fish back to him. I really want some fish in my tank, but I am not going to sacrifice my corals to have them.
I currently have:
3 Oscellaris Clowns
1 Flame Hawkfish
1 Chalk Bass
1 Orange Diamond Goby
2 Lemon Clown Gobys
I took back:
1 Flame Angel
1 Copperbanded Butterfly
1 Hippo Tang
Is there any fish out there that I can add, that will NOT eat my corals?
Thanks for your advise.


Yeah there may be fish out there that might not hurt your corals but I see no need to list them.
Sorry not trying to be rude but you had 11 fish in a 75 gallon tank from what I see and you took 3 back leaving you with 8 still in a 75? From where I stand your maxed out on fish.
Flame angels and copperbands can go after corals, I believe the sometimes list them as reef safe with caution. In other words its a crap shoot, roll the dice.
Are all three gobies getting along right now?
Good luck with what works for you. The above is only a suggestion that perhaps you have enough fish, no offense intended.


Sure waterfaller sneaks in while I'm writing up my windbag post and just plops down a line. Don't you have work to do?, like go pet your fish or somthing. :D <



I pet my clown trigger all the time....he feels kinda funny not like a fish at all!!!!
But in case you wanted a good place to go to look up a list of fish that are agressive, semi agressive or reef safe i suggest DELETE***they have a very detailed info page for each type of fish. I always go there just to get information to make a decision about certain species of fish. Its also wise to look up several different sources because fish, like everything else, are individually unique.
I dont meant to be mean or anything but you've prob figured out that most of us think you may have a few too many fish in your tank already and I agree. I have a 155 bow front with 8or9 fish without corals.
Lastly, most fish will nibble at your corals or at just about anything but a little bit of nibblin shouldn't hurt your corals too much... Good Luck
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instead of bashing her about the # of fish she has, ask her for their sizes. if she still keeps to the 1"/5g rule of thumb, then maybe she has room to get a sixline or gramma or something small. I dunno


New Member
Yeah toddpolish besides its not count the fish and do the math its count the fish, get the tank size, find out how many pounds of live rock and corals and sand she has which have displaced alot of water so therefore find out how many actual gal. of water she has in her tank and then do the math!
Just my thoughts

lady becca

Thank you for the help, somewhat.
All I wanted was a list of reef safe fish. I didn't say that I was adding fish at this point. It is more for reference for a future time.
I was suprised at the lack of help and the over abundance of attitude about what fish I have and "Other" opinions about how many I should have.
I understand that a lot of people are mis-informed. But you need to please accept that mistakes are learning experiences. Sometimes you need to make a mistake to learn.
We added the other fish, from someone's recommedation. A mistake we will not make again.
All I asked was a question. I am sorry I did.
I will think twice before I post again. Sorry for the inconvience.

lady becca

I have been wanting a mandrin, but realize that they are very hard to keep due to their diet.
I have a 75g with 75lbs of Bali live rock and 60 lbs of reef sand. The sand that I have is bigger than the sugar size that most people have said that they use, but not as big as crushed coral.