Need a little help...


I have not been active on this site for a while but here is my update of my tank
I have a blue headed wrasse, blue eyed clarkii, foxface, bursa trigger, arc eye hawkfish
2 large turbos, serpent star, white cucumber
these are in a 65 gallon with the bursa, wrasse, and arc eye all juveniles (small)
water levels are all good as well
-in your opinion is this overload (consider about a 120 gal in 1 year)
-i have a lot of algae growing on the sides of the glass (green/brown slime). How do I eliminate that
-can you mix wrasses in the same tank
thank you

bang guy

1 - I don't think you're overloaded.
2 - Diatoms are normal. More algae grazers & a magnet scraper will help. If you're using tap water switch to RO/DI water.
3 - Yep but they don't tolerate crowding.


you need a bigger tank. at least a 100 gallon. if you cut down on phosphates in a tank then that will help as well with the algae. kent sells a phosphate absorber. depends on the wrasses.


Active Member
Should not be overloaded but if you add more fish and wait too long and let the juvies get too big you will be, just keep up on testing and water changes.
You could add a refuge with macro algea to absorb nutriants that feed the algea.
I highly recomend against mixing most wrasses but a six line might work out with your fairy but thats about it. Most wrasses get pretty agressive as they mature.


thanks for the replies. is there any additives to the tank i should put in on a regular basis. i add essential elements and that is it. i feel as if i should be putting more in the water on a regular basis.
thanks again


Active Member
Is it a reef or fish only?
IMO just regular water changes should do unless you have problems.


it is slightly reef. it started as that and moving toward fish only with live rock. none of my fish damage my leather coral or coral banded shrimp (he is the meanist in the tank right now). I just feel i could provide better nutrients/supplements in the tank rather than just water changes. thanks