Need a little help...


I have not been active on this site for a while but here is my update of my tank
I have a blue headed wrasse, blue eyed clarkii, foxface, bursa trigger, arc eye hawkfish
2 large turbos, serpent star, white cucumber
these are in a 65 gallon with the bursa, wrasse, and arc eye all juveniles (small)
water levels are all good as well
-in your opinion is this overload (consider about a 120 gal in 1 year)
-i have a lot of algae growing on the sides of the glass (green/brown slime). How do I eliminate that
-can you mix wrasses in the same tank
thank you


i have an adult emperor angel
yellow tang
blue tang
long nose butterfly
red coris
jaw fish
2 perculas clowns
Cooperband buterfly
moorish idol
and i just bought a 1 inch clown triger
2 cleaner shirmps
is a 125 and the liveeeee haaapppyyy :happyfish
so you are way fine
about the second question , yes the algae create micro organism that not only give a beeter looking to the tank but provide defenses on the inhabitants
and about mixing wrasses, yes is fine. :happy:


does anyone else think that i am overloaded or underloaded or perfect for the size of the fish right now. remember a larger tank will be there in about 1 year or less depending on the growth rate of the fish. thanks