Need a little help.


I'm doing a speech for class and I thinking about maybe doing it on saltwater fish, maybe the history of how saltwater fish keeping started or just some kind of information. I was just curious if anybody knows any good sites I can look at for information? thanks for any help!.


dude.. thats kinda hard to sum up in 1 speach.. i mean.. the evolution of fish keeping is way way different from the old days... u just gotta read a lot on it.. but most of the info can be found on the net when u look up on how equipment has changed over the years..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.P
I'm doing a speech for class and I thinking about maybe doing it on saltwater fish, maybe the history of how saltwater fish keeping started or just some kind of information. I was just curious if anybody knows any good sites I can look at for information? thanks for any help!.
Why not just do an informative speech on modern day SW keeping with a few comparisons thrown in from say, 15-20 years ago. That would make for an interesting speech, and would certainly encourage questions from those in your class interested in the hobby (to help eat up some time)
. Also, think of the great visual displays you could incorporate into your speech...different fish (distinguish between community and aggressive, and why), corals (soft and hard, and differences), equipment used, etc...
Otherwise, Jacques Cousteau might be a good place to start. He and his team were the first to bring SW fish into our world, at least visually.
I think I might just throw something together myself!! j/k I'm not a great speech-giver. I mostly just instigate.
Best of luck on your speech though.
Lisa :happyfish


I want to do a speech on just keeping saltwater fish in general since there are a few freshwater owners in my class but no saltwater. But I don't want to keep researching and bore everyone for 10 minutes explaining the information lol. It is an informative speech so I can't try and persuade people. Thanks for the help guys. I think i'm going to just throw something together and get it over with lol. If nobody has saltwater fish maybe I can make up some information...he he he