need a new tang


Nayr, please, please, please use lower-case letters. I can't read all upper-case so easily. Thanks.
As far as how big the sailfin got, she was about maybe six inches nose to tail when I took her out of the tank last week. I have been told she'll get even bigger, but she's been that big for over a year.
My understanding is that while fresh-water fish will grow only as large as their surroundings allow, salt-water fish are not like that. I could be wrong on this. My understanding is that they may get even bigger.
But she definitely needed more space than my 58 could afford her.
But I have to tell you that she was the coolest fish I've ever had, and that as soon as I get a really big tank, I'm going to get another Red Sea Salifin. She had a very distinct personality, was really beautiful and would eat out of my hand!!!
On the other hand, she finned me on her way out of the tank. That's gratitude for you!


btw, after three years of bonding, I was broken-hearted to see her go. I cried. It's been less than one week, and I still feel sad. The tank is so empty now, and the other fish can't figure out what to do with themselves.


i will tell you when i try it tanksalot but that will not be for a while sad to say
when your twelve you have a tough budget :D :jumping: :D