Need a pointer


Well-Known Member
Give it a few days, and if the tests level out you could try a few snails. In the pic it looks like you some alage on the rocks


New Member
There is some on the rocks let me guess I screwed up the rock I got was from the marine store it came out of a 17 year old salt tank he sold it to them they were the ones who took care of it for the last 6 years so I guess not cured like I said new salt guy here


Well-Known Member
Lol if it was in water generally its cured. Uncured is generally shipped out of water which causes die off.


Well-Known Member
U dont use a tote w bubbler to transport your rock?? Omg!!!! Jk jk lol yes u can get it that way too. Generally not as bad, tho. My place puts it I a bag w water, but each lfs does it diff