need a purple fish



I have a 125 reef setup and I need help finding a purple fish that will fit into my current setup.
I have the following:
3 percula clowns
1 pajama cardinal
1 - hipo tang
2 - yellow clown gobies
1 - firefish
2 - fireshrimp
1- cleaner shrimp
along with some starfish and crabs
I just need to find something with some purple to add that color into the tank as well. Along with purple, if anyone has an idea of any cool red or yellow fish that would fit in I might consider them as well. Just want a variety of colors.


purple tang would cover the purple and the yellow, but im not sure if it would get along with your hippo tang.
A coral beauty comes to mind also.


I would love a purple tang but I was afraid they might go to war in the tank. Purple tang is in the lead as far as purple fish go but I would like to have more positive feedback on having it in with the Hipo before I get one. Any other ideas??
If I can t find any prple fish I can I can always get purple shrooms:rolleyes:


Purple Queen Anthias is a beautiful fish, Royal Gramma has lots of personality, maybe a Purple Pseudochromis? Just some ideas.


Active Member
I introduced a purple tang into a tank with a Hippo a few years ago. I like hippo'sBlue's so I wanted to make sure its was set and the ruler before I dropped in the tang/'''' They did fine.
With that said, I would make sure your Hippo is the boss and then add a PT that is around the same size.
I like Tanksalot suggestion regarding the Royal Gramma. I have always had one in my tanks and always will.


Active Member
The PT and HT should be fine together. Tangs just don't like other tang of the same shape, like purple tangs and yellow tangs.

steven's un

Member should take a look at the purple velvet wrasse. Its a deep red with bright purple. Why couldn't you have a purple firefish? Can you not have one with another firefish? Seems like it would be ok....Anyone know?


The hipo has been in the tank for almost a year and is about 4 inches long. I might try the purple tang and hope it doesnt stress out the hipo and casue an ick outbreak or anything. I like the purple firefish as well but im not sure if it can go in with the normal firefish.