Need a quick answer!


Active Member
HI i was wondering what everyone would expect to pay for a glass tank size.. 120-135
and if you do have one or had one what did you pay for it? just the tank not a stand or canopy
i need it quick b/c i plan to go tank hunting tomorrow : )

sinner's girl

Sorry, I don't know. But I would like to know. Though I think my next one will be like 150 or so.


Active Member
Around 250-350 for a standard tank
Around 400-500 for a Reef Ready tank (Well worth the extra cost!)


Active Member
what do u all think of these prices?....
100 Gal. Long 72 x 18 x 17 $185
115 Gal. 48 x 18 x 31 $200
100 Gal. Wide 72 x 24 x 13 $220
120 Gal. 48 x 24 x 25 $230
118 Gal. 36 x 24 x 31 $250 No Picture
135 Gal. 72 x 18 x 25 $250 1,2
125 Gal. Wide 72 x 24 x 17 $260
which one would you all get.. i really want to be able to house an angel??????
what do you think of those prices plus $40 shipping


Active Member
or i could probalby find one local to me and not have to pay for shipping but the basic prices is what im asking about?


Active Member
my suggestion would be to check around locally, but I really suggest you get a RR if you are going with a larger tank, you will more than likely really regret it later if you don't. I could almost guarantee you will upgrade to a RR tank at some point if you go with one that isn't right now.


Active Member
well tank hunting has been put off a day so im still looking for more advice and opinioons on prices


Active Member
Originally Posted by drew2005
IMO get the biggest possible tank you can afford.

True but also the LONGEST IMO that way they have more swim room to stretch their little fins. Ha!