need a snail id.. possibe predatory welk?


Active Member
found this little guy.. and i know i didnt buy him. came in on my rock.. anyone know what he is.. and should i pull him out


Oh yeah, I was advised by several people incl. Bang Guy to remove it. I banished ours to the 10g to see what will happen with it. Its been there for 4-6 months and I havent seen it bother any snails yet, but that doesnt mean it wont. Good luck finding it again if you havent isolated it yet, took me a few days before I located ours again. As you can see it already had coralline on the shell and blended in very well. Good luck in your decision.


Active Member
mine is easy to spot.. although i cant find him atm.. but he comes out in the open alot.. ill wait for a for sure id from kip or bang.. and remove him if needed


looks a little like a ceritbium (cerith), herbivorous,detritvore, feeds on diatoms,cyanobacteria. there useful in your reef, but hermit crabs attack them and kill them


Active Member
well then i made up my mind... next time i see him hes going to know what its like in our septic tank :eek: lol hate to kill it, but its better than it killing my stuff that i payed for. goodbye little welk!