Need a Stocklist Sanity Check for my 240


Active Member
Ok, after much reseach on various species, habits, growth rates, goes. Let me know if there are any glaring issues with this list and the order of stocking.
240g 8'x2'x2'
300lbs LR
Sand - Argonite
This tank is up and running as is (empty)
Going to cycle w/
3 - porkfish
Then add slowly my 75 gallon inhabitants
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray
Miniatus Grouper
Then add the new fish slowly after several weeks of QT in the empty 75g
Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Golden Moray (aka Banana/Canary Moray)
Purple Tang
Banana Wrasse
Ok, thoughts, suggestions? Am I way out of line here?


Going to cycle w/
3 - porkfish
are you talking about porkypine puffers???
there are much better ways of cycling one is useing a piece of raw shrimp it will supply the ammonia source to kick start the cycle.
I am not into aggressive so I cant comment on the stocking.


No, he doesn't mean Porcupine Puffers. He means Porkfish. In my opinion thats a pretty good stock list. My only suggestion would be cycling with something other than Porkfish just because they're not the hardiest fish in the world. They're not hard to keep at all but they're just not the best tank cycler... Good luck!!!


lol they are very very cool fish. Especially if you've got space to school them. But they definately do get pretty big...


Active Member
Thanks. I read they were pretty bulletproof. But if they are not, then I'll do the shrimp or the filter pads from my other tank to seed it. I still am concerned with the porkfish choice but they seem like a nice colorful schooling fish, just wish they stayed about 10-12" instead of 15-18". May have to get rid of them in the future.
I may just add some chromis to cycle and use them for food fish later on.
Thanks guys.


HAHA sounds like a plan!!! I agree, they are the best schooling fish available. But I'd use somethin else to cycle, don't wanna risk it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
never heard of them atleast by that name anyway so I have no idea what he is talking about.
This is a porkfish.
And the great thing is they are very common and real cheap. A 5-6" one is like $30.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
But I'd use somethin else to cycle, don't wanna risk it...


I kinda liked your Chromis idea lol. Or I hate to even say it, maybe some damsels... But I also like that whole shrimp idea that was stated earlier.


Active Member
You should never cycle with fish, as you're putting fish at risk, for no reason.
Also, 3 Porkfish, in your tank and you're done with your stock list. I thought Ophruia had talked you out of those, as they get huge and do best in large schools. They're not suited for anything other than public aquaria and the ocean.


Active Member
I can easily be talked out of the pork's, no worries there. Just looking for a nice schooling colorful fish that would not be eatting or tortured. I don't want fish that I have to fish out when they get huge. And I've had to look for a home for huge fish before (it sucks). Any nice colorful schoolers?
Atlantic blue tangs maybe?
As for the shrimp, whats the trick? 1-2 in the wet-dry for a month? Anything else?


Active Member
wow 95 harley... we have the exact same taste in fish except i don't like eels
i love the fish list


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
You should never cycle with fish, as you're putting fish at risk, for no reason.
Also, 3 Porkfish, in your tank and you're done with your stock list. I thought Ophruia had talked you out of those, as they get huge and do best in large schools. They're not suited for anything other than public aquaria and the ocean.

Man your like the SWF hitman police. I'm pretty sure we are all fish lovers here and no one wants to harm any fish in our care. We all come here seaking knowledge and advice. From your post I've read your very knowledgable, but seem to always talk pretty harsh to folks.
If you know of a better way to do things or advice you'd care to share we are all very appreciative of you for it. But please lighten up. I'm guessing you've dealt alot with 12 yr olds wanting to put Green Moray's in 55 gallon tanks they got for Christmas or something....however, a lot of us are adults and working professionals that truely love this hobby and are excite to learn every little bit we can.....
Don't mean to insult you or take a bad tone, I truly appreciate every bit of advice I can get from everyone. Hope we can count on your experience and guideance for many years (as it seems you have it).
There is always more than 1 way to skin a cat or a fish in this case, and some of us ARE truly listening.
Thanks for the guidance. But as I'm sure your aware there is a wealth of bad info out there in this hobby. Some of us read 100 times that a fish will be just fine and get slammed by 1 out of a 100 that it will not work NO WAY. If it doesn't then cool, on to Plan B. Just help me understand from experience why the other 99 are all so dead wrong.
Again, thanks for the tip, if they (Porkfish) don't work and don't get 12-15" as most sites say....then off to Plan B....So help me with Plan B.
Cool? Again, not looking to make any virtual enemies here...just wanting to grow and learn in this hobby the way we all do.
Thanks for your input.


Active Member
I honestly wasn't trying to be "harsh" and I dont see how you took anything as harsh, from my post that you quoted. I'm sorry if you took it that way. I'm very direct and to the point, not pulling any punches, but I never try to be harsh or disrespectful.


Active Member
This is what I did and it saved me money at the same time. I have a 95gal and I put in I think 80lbs of LR. Then I put in 30lbs of LR that wasn't cured...basically the stuff that wreaked. It cycled my tank in about 2 weeks. I wouldn't put fish in though because they most likely won't make it through the cycling. If they do there probably going to get sick afterwards and that could possibly wipe out some of your other fish. So IMO throw in a raw shrimp, or the raw rock. I've never heard of anyone other than my self using the rock idea but thats what I did and it worked well. Also saved me money because uncured rock is about a third of the price of cured. Hope this helps.


Active Member
No worries. I may have just been having a moment

I thank you for the sound advice, and will now avoid the Porkfish and maybe do a small school of Racoon Butterfly's instead. They scare me a little as I'm not sure how hardy they are or if they can be in a tank such as this...but I will spend many hours researching before I make any decesion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
This is what I did and it saved me money at the same time. I have a 95gal and I put in I think 80lbs of LR. Then I put in 30lbs of LR that wasn't cured...basically the stuff that wreaked. It cycled my tank in about 2 weeks. I wouldn't put fish in though because they most likely won't make it through the cycling. If they do there probably going to get sick afterwards and that could possibly wipe out some of your other fish. So IMO throw in a raw shrimp, or the raw rock. I've never heard of anyone other than my self using the rock idea but thats what I did and it worked well. Also saved me money because uncured rock is about a third of the price of cured. Hope this helps.
Did the same think on my 75 and worked great. However, this rock is FL rock and was shipped direct from Sea to my Tank in less than 6-7hrs..hardly no die off. My local shop air ships same day as the rock is harvested. It's great stuff with starfish, crabs, branch corals, macro algae, etc all included at $6/lb.
I'll stay up on my test, add a shrimp, and move my filter pads from my 75 over to seed some bacteria. That should do it just fine.


Active Member
Butterfly fish are extremely "delicate" fish. I had a Long Nose, he died just because my ac bonked out and my tank went from 78-80 and back down to 78 in a few hours and that nocked him over. I now have another one. Long noses are supposed to be the hardiest buttefly of the bunch along with the copperband but they're still delicate. I would make sure that if you do put in a butterfly fish to put it in later on down the road.