need a wrasse I.D. please


i have to say i have no picture... so this is for the experts...
it's 2 inches so likely still a juvenile... shaped real similar to a dotty back...
body is a darg grey/blue and the upper fin is red... he has a blue flourescent line across the top of his body going from head to rear fin (like how technical i am?)...
the store doesnt know what he is but say someone told them he gets real big but they dont know how true that is...
any help???


he REALLY looks like a neon dotty except the yellow body replaced by a dull blue grey... and the top fin red.


It might be a chiseltooth wrasse (Pseudodax moluccanus). It is kind of hard to tell by the pic in Michael's Marine Fishes (the pic is an insert since the fish is a juvi). The pic is on page 316. If that is what it is, the book says:
Max length 9.8 in
Min tank size 75 gal
Eats meaty foods (may be finicky)
May eat ornamental shrimps and small clams; will
eat fireworms and fanworms
Hope this helps.