need activity in the tank


i would like an active/peaceful schooling reef tank. i currently have a 125 reef tank with over 200 lbs of live rock. there is one Ocellaris Clownfish 3 1/4", one keyhole angle 2 3/4" one watchman goby 2 1/2" and three firefish 2 1/4" i was thinking of a 6 line wrasse to add activity but he will terrorize the tank. then i was thinking fairy wrasse??? but i cant add more than one wrasse?? or maybe a group of chromis?? what chromis' do you suggest. how about a mandarin dragonet? can i have more than one dragonet. Anthias?? and i know i would enjoy a tang but that will come latter.
aaahhh. there are too many fish in the sea. i just cant decide.
any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mastertech
i would like an active/peaceful schooling reef tank. i currently have a 125 reef tank with over 200 lbs of live rock. there is one false perc 3 1/4", one keyhole angle 2 3/4" one watchman goby 2 1/2" and three firefish 2 1/4" i was thinking of a 6 line wrasse to add activity but he will terrorize the tank. then i was thinking fairy wrasse??? but i cant add more than one wrasse?? or maybe a group of chromis?? what chromis' do you suggest. how about a mandarin dragonet? can i have more than one dragonet. Anthias?? and i know i would enjoy a tang but that will come latter.
aaahhh. there are too many fish in the sea. i just cant decide.
any help would be appreciated.

The Anthia group of fish list with are very pretty, sweet fish and they school...they need really good water to survive.


Originally Posted by Flower

The Anthia group of fish list with are very pretty, sweet fish and they school...they need really good water to survive.
really contemplating....
Originally Posted by Bang Guy

I would recommend a shoal of Blue-eyed Cardinalfish.
cant really find any info on these fish. found some pics and they look good. how big do they get?


the DT tank at my LFS store have a bunch of green chromis'. they are very cool! there is about 10 id say, along with a couple different anthias'. very cool to see all the blues greens and pinks battleing the wavemaker!


any comments on this stock list
2 Ocellaris Clownfish or other clown (i think i might like some other types better)
1 keyhole angle
1 watchman goby
3 dartfish (firefish)
5 threadfin cardinals
5 chromis
1 tang


My sixline didn't terrorize anyone. Maybe I had an unusual experience, but mine totally ignored all the other fish, like they weren't even there. She just patrolled for exposed pods or mini-brittle-stars, and ripped them to shreds. The blennies acted funny when she swam by, but she never even payed them the slightest mind.
A friend has a couple chromis in his 29gal, he said they never bully anyone but are so squirrely and hyperactive that they seem to stress everyone out a bit.


I have a mandarin, one of the things that they don't mention anywhere is that they are VERY reclusive. Mine rarely comes out front, and keeps to the shadows when she does, which is a shame because you can't appreciate her beautiful colors.
LMBs are a riot if you want active! Sooo cute too. Gotta put in a plug for the LMB! (see my "cutest blenny picture" thread)


mandarins are beautiful and i love mine but he never really comes out either. i recently added a fire shrimp to my tank that seemed to takeover the back, hidden rockwork where my mandarin liked to hide. since then he has been out a lot more but he does not like to show himself all that much. one bit of advice when aquiring a mandarin...there are a lot of beautiful ones and a lot of beat up ones out there. i bought mine kind of impulsively and since then have seen ones that are way more exquisite. take your time in picking one out and get a good one!!!


how about adding.
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, Male (max size 3")
1 Foxface Lo (max size 9")
1 Two Spot Goby (max size 3")
1 Red Head Goby (max size 2")
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang (max size 7")
3 Threadfin Cardinalfish (max size 2 1/2")
1 brittle star (max size 10")
to the existing
3 firefish (max size 3") currently 2"
1 keyhole anglefish (max size 8") currently 3"
1 yellow watchman (max size 3") currently 2 3/4"
1 Ocellaris Clownfish (mas size 3 1/2") currently 3"
i know this is too much help me narrow it down. or give other suggestions.
let me know.