i would like an active/peaceful schooling reef tank. i currently have a 125 reef tank with over 200 lbs of live rock. there is one Ocellaris Clownfish 3 1/4", one keyhole angle 2 3/4" one watchman goby 2 1/2" and three firefish 2 1/4" i was thinking of a 6 line wrasse to add activity but he will terrorize the tank. then i was thinking fairy wrasse??? but i cant add more than one wrasse?? or maybe a group of chromis?? what chromis' do you suggest. how about a mandarin dragonet? can i have more than one dragonet. Anthias?? and i know i would enjoy a tang but that will come latter.
aaahhh. there are too many fish in the sea. i just cant decide.
any help would be appreciated.
aaahhh. there are too many fish in the sea. i just cant decide.
any help would be appreciated.