Originally Posted by
how about adding.
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, Male (max size 3")
1 Foxface Lo (max size 9")
1 Two Spot Goby (max size 3")
1 Red Head Goby (max size 2")
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang (max size 7")
3 Threadfin Cardinalfish (max size 2 1/2")
1 brittle star (max size 10")
to the existing
3 firefish (max size 3") currently 2"
1 keyhole anglefish (max size 8") currently 3"
1 yellow watchman (max size 3") currently 2 3/4"
1 Ocellaris Clownfish (mas size 3 1/2") currently 3"
i know this is too much help me narrow it down. or give other suggestions.
let me know.
Call me an overstocker, but if your filtration's good for it, that will probably be a decent list as it is. Maybe consider ditching the Foxface; your tang and angel will be sufficient for algae control and the similar feeding styles might cause some competition for food. I'm not a huge fan of the threadfin cardinal (personal choice only) and I would probably try to get in a pair of blue reef chromi's in place of the three cardinals. They're fairly passive, have a schooling personality, and have a beautiful coloration to 'em.