Need Addvice?


New Member
I have a 30 gallon high and have some live rock maybe around 12-14 pounds some damselfish and snails a feather duster and some other things but my ? is i am looking for a protien skimmer that would do the job for my 30 gallon and also not hurt my pocket.I have heard mixed feelings on the sea clone 100? so i am not sure,also i want 2 buy one that can handle a bigger tank for when i upgrade 2 a bigger size. Oh and also should i get a power head? i have a hotmagnum filter.


im not sure how much you want to spend but i would go with a berlin hang on if you dont have a sump the skimmer and pump will run you about $209 but it will work on a bigger tank when you upgrade


I use a Secalone 100 myself, one of the older models, and it works fairly well right out of the box, once you get it tuned. But I found a link on this board to a site that shows how to modify it to make it work bettter, and I did those mods, works MUCH better. If you DO decide on the seaclone, here is the link for the mods.


Active Member
How big of a tank are you considering in the future, this could play a big part in advice given here. If you are looking at 75 to 100 gallon, 150, or 250 gallon, or even 55 gallon, all the answers given would probably vary on this fact alone(at least give us a guess)


New Member
Thanx for all the good advice :D!!! im am planning on gettn a 55 gallon in a couple of months or so and do a huge reef.Il'll prob go with the sea clone 100 so thanx for that link gregz im sure that will come in handy. Although there are so many as long as it hang on the tank.Ill keep ya updated.