Need advice - clown acting strange..PIC


Active Member
HI all - Well my clownflown is acting strange today. She has stayed in the anemone all day and won't eat. I also just noticed that she has a white streak (for lack of better discription) on her face.
I don't know if she acting strange because the anemone is splitting or if something is wrong.


Staff member
How long have you had this clown, and the anemone? The anemone seems rather white.


Active Member
I've had the clown since October and the anemone since February. What does the color of the anemone have to do with the clown?
I upgraded my 29 gallon to a 100 gallon w/ a 45gallon sump/ref on 7-26. I had no water problems and last week I added 3 chromis and 1 clown (to replace the other clown that I lost when he got sucked into the overflow). So I believe my anemone is recovering (for lack of better word) as I had 130 watts of PC on my 29 gallon. Now I have 2x110 actinic vho and 2x175 14K MH. I belive the anemone is splitting right now.
Any way back to my clown.....his face turns white and then sometimes it looks normal. What could be wrong? Anyone have any ideas?


New Member
I have a clown acting strange today also...same thing exepct I do not have an anemone. He suddenly doesn't want to eating and seems stressed/breathing hard. He also has some white on his sides, kind of looks stringy as if his skin might be peeling??!And on his face like yours.My other fish are fine. I have just realized my refractometer needs to be recalibrated and my speicifc gravity was way too high (like 1.030!!) So thats probably the problem with mine?!?! After I realized this I quickly did a water change replacing with ro water and now I have it down to about 1.026....I am wondering if this actually the problem and if he might recover?


Active Member
Well I am planning to do a water change today and my salinity too is a bit high. I usually keep it at 1.026 but since changing over I haven't seemed to be able to get it down and I do a 1 gallon or more top off a day. So I will be trying to get mine down as well. Maybe that could be the problem. IDK


New Member
Best of luck with your clown. Mine looked worse this AM so I treid a freshwater dip and a formalin bath. He died shortly thereafter. From the way he looked today I am suspicious of brooklynella. I am on my way to the clinic so I am going to try to make some wet preps his lesions to see if it was fungal, protozoal or what?!?!
Good luck again. I am so sad!!


Active Member
OH I am so sorry. I lost a clown not log ago. I know how sad that is. I sure hope mine doesn't die. Let me know what you find out.


New Member
Did a wet prep and didn't see much. Unfortunately the formalin bath probably killed anything living on him. I did see one organism I thought was protozoal. I didn't get much else out the prep or opening him up. I really hope my others don't get sick!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
How is this clown doing? Any worse?
Thanks for asking. Her color in her face comes and goes. I am not sure what is going on with her. She is acting a little better and eating again. Maybe she is just stressing cause the anemone keeps moving around.

Sometimes her face looks bad really white - like on her nose area and between her eyes, then she looks fine. :notsure:
Really strange.