Need advice for a saltwater newbie


Ok well I haven't posted in a while and got my Bio Cube 29 up and running, My LFS gave my some live sand out of one of thier back systems as well as some water from a already setup system along with live rock about 30#'s.
My LFS guy told me they generally don't have issues doing this and told me to come back in a week for a water test to make sure everything is ok. I placed a frozen shrimp in the tank to cycle, took the water in for testing everything was good. He Told me I could put a small load in to help and recomended some frags.
I picked up 3 small frags and some snails and an emerald green crab and some hermit crabs, ( they are all doing very well as far as I can tell. Nothing dead at least!) waited a week. Took in another water sample. Everything good, Picked up a Zebra goby. (He is fun to watch!)
Started to see some green algae, now I have 2 windows in the room lots of sunlight comes in during the morning hours bought some curtains to hang up and block that out. the algae has since changed to red algae and looks like red bubbles on the rock and sand, I was told that this was normal ( I'm still not convinced yet).
Yesterday I went to my LFS with another water sample. It was perfect no issues at all. Said I'm safe to add either a few more pieces of coral, or a fish, (Wife wanted a fish) So in goes a sixline wrasse ( even more fun to watch than the goby) I came home today ( Mind you everything is alive and is doing very well!)
The algae( thats what I'm calling it due to my lack of knowledge in salt water) is just about everywhere inside the tank All over the rocks a little near the bottom of the glass and floating on the top of the water.
Is this something to truly be concerned about or am I being way too twitchy and this is a normal process?
Here is an attempt to get pictures of what I'm seeing I hope these come out ok The last Picture is what is floating on the surface.
Any help/advise would be grateful



It is cyano and very common in new tanks. There's a Cyano thread on here somewhere, I think in new hobbyists or something like that, I'll try to find it for you if you can't.
I got rid of mine by siphoning a lot out and changing the water flow by adding a powerhead.


Well I hate to say this, but your LFS has not given you very good this hobby you have to move SLOW...what you have looks like a search on will find LOTS of info
Can you tell us ALL about your tank....filtration, lights, light schedules, water parameters (you need your own kits), feeding schedule, flow.....etc


Well-Known Member

You most likely have phosphates, a test the LFS doesn't usually do. They are doing PH, Alk, nitrate and ammonia tests , these are common tests for new tanks. What you need is a marine master test kit, so you can do the tests yourself.
Once you can verify phosphate numbers we can help you on what to do next. I don't want to offer a "cure" until I can be sure of the problem. Getting an everything is OK from the LFS is not the same.
Cyano feeds on phosphates.


My tank is a Oceanic Biocube 29g everything on it is stock what came with it. lights, pump, are stock I was told the live rock is the filtration ( which surprised me since I have a 60 gal freshwater with plants). I have a test kit for both fresh and salt but was told that that is not a good test kit for salt. So I have been relying on the LFS. Here is what I can test for salt wise with it.
NO2 Nitrite
NH3/NH4 Ammonia
KH/GH Carbonate and general hardness
PH 7.4-8.6 and PH 6.0-7.6
So what can I do other than water changes and pray to the salt gods


LOL.....1st...get a kit specifically for sw and make sure it has a test for phosphates.
I did not see any mention of powerheads...Do you have any?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mecc
No powerheads other than the one pump that came with the system

You need power heads. Phosphates and low water flow is the main cause of the cyano bacteria you are seeing. The wave is the life of the ocean and it goes for all saltwater need current. On a 29g get two power heads, use one on each side.


Originally Posted by Mecc
No powerheads
other than the one pump that came with the system
Flow can be an issue too then.....There are some excellent threads on much info out there.....
Your tank is really new too.....don't add anything else...
what do you have for a clean up crew(CUC) (ex. snails etc)


There are a lot of other threads on this stuff (LOL) I hate it....start with this one


I have for a cleanup crew or so I was told would be good
3 snails ( don't know what kind they were a buck each)
3 hermit crabs
1 Emerald green crab
other things are the 3 coral you see in the pictures
1 zebra goby
1 six line wrasse
Thats the whole tank occupants other that the little white starfish, copepods I saw on the glass this morning, some mini bristle starfish.
the pump that came with it is in the upper left corner of the tank. If I got a power head what size should I look for as far as GPH, and where would be a good place to put it?
How much of a water change should I do I have done one 2 weeks agotook out 3 gallons. I have no RO unit of any kind and my LFS closest to me is 45 min one way that has reasonable Ro water prices at .80 pg. There is another store but they want like 9.99 for 5 gallons i think.
The price difference between these stores is remarkable live rock at the one I have been going to 5.99 per pound the other is 15.99 per pound! So you can see where I have been going...

What other info can I offer?


You should really look into an ro/di unit.....definitely worth it.....IDK much about have a 29G standard tank (also a 225G and a 54G) in my 29G I have a Koralia 2, a Koralia 1, and a RIO...I have it so the tank is circulating (the rio moves water at the top) and not too much can stay put on the sand...BUT you do not want a sand storm either..LOL
I would also suggest more snails....nassarius, cerith are good ones
I would do at least 6g water changes at least 1x a week...siphon out as much as the cyano as you can with a turkey not stir
there's a start for you...


How many more snails would be suggested?
I'm really good at maintaining freshwater but feel completly lost on the salt side lol
With the weekend coming up and with my wife's 2006 Matrix car purchase cash is a bit tight so hopefully I'll be able to at least add 1 powerhead. I do have a marineland 660 (170gph) would that be something I could add or not the right kind of powerhead?


LOL...I had to look up the Marineland seems it's a Penguin...YES that will work for now
I would probably start with a dozen snails.....(TO START) maybe 6 nassarius...6 cerith
Have you read any of the top threads at the beginning of the new hobbyist section? There is some good advice there


Yeah I did read the 101 beginner saltwater thread when I first was looking into a tank. I'm not a complete newbie but one none the less

ok Well I'll add the powerhead that I have and maybe order one from somewhere. I'm sure I'll find some good prices online vs retail on them.
Where would be a good place to put the powerhead in the tank? Do you want current going in the same direction or in different directions? Never really used them but I did get one from the used tank that I got that is not being used at the moment.


In my 29G I have one Koralia Bottom right back (blowing left)...and 1 Koralia front left (blowing right)
I have the RIO left top blowing across top
Hope that helps....I have a pic somewhere, but that will have to wait until tomorrow


so what is sounds like is your creating a kind of vortex in the tank the water circulation all going the same direction,with the one moving the surface water.
You have indeed gave me many things to ponder and will be making some changes in the coming weeks I'm sure
Now I too must sleep for the call of work in the morning beckons and mocks me.


well my head is spinning. I am on another forum and I was told there that it is all just part of the cycling process and I just need to wait it out. not just one person gave me this advise multiple people did. I posted picture 1 and the last picture that I posted here to show them what I'm seeing.
I did add the other power head last night which did stir a little up, ( only 170gph not as strong as the powerheads that was suggested to me) If I get the opportunity I found another LFS it's a bit out of the way but I'm pondering fighting the traffic this Saturday and going there to see what advise they offer me if any. maybe pick up a powerhead while I'm there.
Would a uv sterilizer or the protien skimmer that is made for the Biocube be something I need to consider as well? again I was told by a differant LFS (where I bought the tank) that they are not nessecary and showed me the same setup I have and they weren't running anything in the back other than the pump for circulation, no filter pads, no protien skimmer, no uv sterilizer. So I went with it. (this is the store that has the 15.99 live rock)
the other store that I have been going to has a Biocube setup as well but they put some small pieces of live rock in the back.


None of my tanks ever got the red bubbly stuff when it cycled...LOL...algae is part of the process BUT...IMO...NOT CYANO...
Diatoms are, and maybe some others.....You'll have to get other opinions on that I guess, that's just mine
As far as a protein skimmer I run one on all of my tanks....a lot of people don't run one at all....that is yet another one of those difference of opinions....Personally...I would not do w/o one.
As far as a UV Sterilizer...from what I understand they kill bacterias..BOTH good and bad....I do not (nor will I) run one for the reason that the UV sterializer can not decipher between the good and the bad.... ( opinion)
A lot of people do things really just have to see what works for you I guess


At this point I'm thinking I'm going to add a couple power heads and save up for a RO unit. Driving 45 min one way for .80 a gallon is not saving me anything