need advice, looked but didn't find any


New Member
I'm sure this may be here somewhere, but, I didn't find the info I was looking for. I'm starting a 55 Gal, I plan to do Fish only. I've been reading and think I've read to much, it's getting confusing. I understand live sand is good, as is live rock, but is the live rock necessary? The BIG question, what kind of filter is best????? I've been eyeing up the Bak Pak2 filter, can anyone tell me if this would be good enough. Do I need a protein skimmer also? What about a wet/dry filter?
So if anyone can give me advice on what's good and maybe what products aren't good, I'd REALLY appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
go with LS and LR , a skimmer is highly recommended a good skimmer is the persison marine, and aqua c remora, for filter pass on the wet dryyour LR and LS will be all the biological filtartion you need and try to go with a sump or refugium you can find diagrams and pics in the diy section on how to make your own and save some money


I started out with a 55g and a ‘hang on the back’ type filter. Worked fine but was always a pain to clean. I moved to a 125g and discovered the self contained type filters. What I bought was a Rena XP3 which, so far, have fallen in love with. Much, much easier to maintain.
As far as live sand, I use crushed coral but I think it is a matter of preference and what type of tank you plan on establishing. Other people on this board can probably tell you more. I would definitely recommend live rock, not only to help with filtration but to add that extra umph to your tank. Half the fun is discovering what has tagged along on the rock that you buy. It is a hobby that I have definitely fallen in love with. Check the boards for answers to your questions (I have found that using the search feature usually finds where someone else has asked the same question). Its kind’a a learn as you go hobby. Good luck.


Active Member
I think the bak pak is actually a protein skimmer, unless there is a filter that's also called "bak pak"
if you don't want rock, then imo, you definately need a wet/dry with some bioballs so you can build up the biological filter.
I have the Pro Series 150 (I think that's what it's called, it's the same one that Blemmy Guy has). it's plenty good, but if you can get hold of a 30 gallon tank, you can build your own, and have more/better room for a refugium.


Active Member
Many ppl will tell you to take the bioballs out and replace with live rock and live sand "bioballs can harbor nitrates"


Active Member
yes, but if you don't want any live rock, you need something to build the beneficial bacteria up on, therefore a need for the bioballs.


Active Member
Agreed on this....if no LR, I would be all for a wet/dry - especially with any predatory fish which may or may not be an issue. Wet/dry filters are basically too efficient...that is their downfall. They rapidly convert ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate. If I was going to pick between the two in a FO tank, I would rather have a nitrate problem than any risk of over burdening the filter. Now you can replace it with LR bits in the wet/dry if you wish...but you may end up with the same problem. That rock can still accumulate debris.
Now that is assuming you just want typical artificial decor in the tank. I think LR has other advantages for fish - it is more natural, more room to hide, more opportunities to graze. If you want to keep smaller fish, or reef fish, I think LR is a better way to go. But predatory fish like lions or something where you don't want to spend the $$ on LR? I'd go with a wet dry and water changes.


New Member
You people are GREAT! I love the info, rather than just going to a store where they are trying to sell you "their" product, just a little bias. Anyway, I'll definatly do the LS and LR, if I can find some decent LR, saw some at one store that had something growing on it and my 12 yr old (who has read everything to detail, that he can find on saltwater), said you don't want that, if we come back in a week it will be all over. So I need to do a little more research, but at least that decision has been made. Just down to the filter/skimmer and such. But thanks to everyone for the info so far.