need advice-new 80 gallon tank filtration question


Well, I finally got my 80 gallon tank. It's currently sitting on my counter and will soon be built into my wall. I'll post pictures soon. I have an Iwaki pump 510 GPH and got a quote from my LFS on a protein skimmer and sump-about $600.00 dollars for both-does that seem high?? I dont know the brand of either of them-I was too shocked over the cost-I've seen skimmers and sumps that cost a lot less on the internet. I've never run a sump or skimmer on my tanks before and am a little confused as to what I should look for in a sump and skimmer. It will be a FOWLR tank.
I've been reading about sumps and skimmers on this sight, but getting more confused.

any advice is greatly appreciated


Active Member
What kind of skimmer and sump? You can build your own sump for around 100-150$ depending on how intricate it is. A good skimmer for that size tank will run about 200-300$ depending the size and brand. So for around 300-500$ you can get your own sump and skimmer setup, it just all depends on the brands and quality of all of the items.
LFS mark up their prices a LOT compared to what you can get items on the internet. Where I am prices are, on average, 3x as much as they are anywhere on the net. Unless it is an emergency I do not purchase things from my LFS for that reason. I do feel bad not supporting local places and I understand they have to make a profit, but should an item that cost $24 on-line cost $78 in my local store?!?! Find out what the items are, price them out on-line, then see if the price difference is worth the shipping cost and/or any warranty/exchange your LFS is willing to provide in case something breaks.