Need advice on additions... ideas?


Alright... well my clarkii Rigby seems to be doing great. Most of his fin has grown back and hes swimming around happy as a clam and eating normally (with the filters flow no longer being a problem). Im ready to add to my tank, but Im not sure where to go from here. Was hoping you guys had some suggestions? Right now the only kids in my 75gal fowlr tank are my clarkii and a brittle star. i was considering adding another brittle or a crab... something to keep the sand bed turned and free of flake debris. Perhaps another small clarkii clown would be a good idea? I definitely dont want another replay of the tomato vs clarkii incident though. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as always guys!!!


Sounds like you need a cool clean up crew. About the clowns, I was under the impression you are not supposed to mix species....:notsure: get some Nass and Cerith snails for the sand bed, and maybe a conch. Definetily a couple of peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, maybe even a fire shrimp. How bout a Royal Gramma, and some Green Chromis, especially for a 75g.............wait.........I'm spending more than I can afford..........."danggit"........(step 3.......remember step 3).......which step was it?


I would suggest a dwarf angel in a few months when your tank gets a little older. I love the flame angel or the bi-color angel...but don't mix them.


Awesome... think I'll see if my new lfs has any new cleanup crew members for my tank. As far as the angel, Ive been wanting a flame once my tank gets more established, and possibly a yellow tang as my last addition. I was also very interested in the diamond goby - I love how it feeds in sand and filters it out through its gills. Incredible!!
What other members of the cleanup crew would do well on the leftover scraps of food on my sandbed? Keep in mind I dont have tons of algae in my tank... I dunno why, but I never got diatoms or weird blooms in my tank during the cycle.



Some other cleanup crew are the Turbos. They will keep your glass clean of algae. And don't forget hermits. I like the scarlets. Their colors are bright and they don't tend to fight as much as the blue legs. They are good to get scraps of food and debris.


I checked out three lfs today, and came home with...
a smaller clarki and a coral bandedshrimp!!!
I was close to buying a royal gramma, but its tankmates had ick and I didnt want to risk it. So far, everybody seems to be getting along quite well... the cbs is incredible to watch. This guy loves to perch upside down in my rockwork and stick his little antenna out. Awesome stuff. *beginner's glow*


New Member
I was also very interested in the diamond goby - I love how it feeds in sand and filters it out through its gills. Incredible!!
:yes: Definitely, addition of this little baby is so fun to watch!!:happyfish