Need advice on equip. I should use for the 800 gallon tank at my friends restaurant.


My frend wants me to redo the 800 gallon octagon (8 sided) tank that he has at his restaurant. Right now it is just a fish only tank and he want sme to make it into a reef tank for him. It basically just has some normal output bulbs and 2 big w/d filters. The size of the tank is 800 gallons and it is octagon shaped. Each of the 8 acrylic panels is 36" wide and 30" high. It is roughly 70" from 1 flat panel across to the oppsong flat panel. I pretty much need advice on these things.
1. Complete reef lighting system.
2. How much sand.
3. How many and what size powerheads.
4. Sump(s) and or refugium(s)
5. Chiller(s) and or Heater(s)
I was thinking that maybe I should use 8 250w Metal haslides so there will be one on each panel and then some vho's for the actinics. Below are a bunch of pics of the tank.


All is very nice, is this a Seafood restaurant? I would take the tank and all home and enjoy it there. The fish don't need all that stress. But hey maybe someone here knows more. Me, I would say take it home and enjoy:)


Its a fish only tank, not even fish with live rock. My friend wants me to make it into a reef tank.


I agree with the above about sand/sump/rock. If I were you and had the $ id buy a 1000 watt halide for the center and 250 watters around the side. In the center one id have a 20,000 kelvin bulb and on the outside 12,000 kelvin bulbs.


mm what restraunt is that? and where at? i would like to take alook at it. i live in michigan not to far from you? maybe i could give you a hand ?


Active Member
I too will offer my assistance since i am in the area. What i would thing about would be a giant refugium. Kinda like a big ecosystem. That along with a nice solid wet/dry, maybe something from lifereef. They do custom jobs all the time.
how about instead of vhos that IMO wont be enough to sparkle the 800 gallon, how about some 20,000k radium fixtures. the tank looks pretty cool, and advise me when its done so I could pass by and "eat"


first thing first. You all disappoint me what is the first thing you do in a saltwater project? Pry the check book and cc out of his hands first. It will be very expensive, but worth it. good luck.
P.s don't forget to hire security to keep the punks from tapping on the tank.


Hey foxface little confused about the whole cc thing. Are you saying that the first thing that should be done when converting to a reef tank is take out the cc and replace with sand?


Active Member
Before I would do ANYTHING - I would contact the manufacturer of this custom octagon acrylic tank.
We know it will hold 800 +/- gallons of saltwater = +/- 6,800 lbs
Adding another 2,800 lbs of sand and rock as suggested may not be a good idea ~ until you discuss this with whomever designed the tank.
Can a tank this size handle 10,000 lbs of water, sand and rock ?
Can the floor handle this weight ?
Is the amount of sand and rock suggested REALLY the amount required for such a large tank ?
I have ZERO experience with such a large tank - and ZERO experience with what would be required in the way of a sandbed and live rock.
Does the 1 to 2 pounds per gallon "rule of thumb" still apply for such a large volume of water - I don't think it does ???
I know we all have our opinions - but to me this is a very unique case.
I would hesitate to take the advise of ANYONE that has not gone through what you are planning to do.
First hand experience - not opinions or guesswork.
An 800 gallon tank will pose some "special" circumstances to deal with ~ and personally I will not offer my opinion.
I've never done anything like it before.


I agree with Bromer5, mak sure there is concrete under thefloor or it will crush it.