Need advice on new bulbs

My PC bulbs are getting old and need replacing.
There are three of them, all 55 watts, one actinic and two 10,000 k. They are Coralife.
Here is the question. Coralife is more expensive than the CustomSeaLife. Which bulb is better quality CL or CSL.
And instead of getting two 10,000 k should I get 2 50/50 of one 50/50 and a 10k.
The set up now is the 10k in back and actinic in front. Both on separate timers.



Active Member
I recently changed my PC bulbs out. I would recommend 2 10ks and 1 50/50. Possibly 2 10k's and an actinic if you can. The 10ks are more beneficial I believe. But, the 50/50 isn't quite enough blue on its own. Now, getting two 50/50's would basically be the same as getting 2 10k's and 1 actinic. Because you will have two seperate bulbs, but they will both have 1 bar of each. Just get an actinic and straddle 2 10ks on either side. Should make things look awesome. Good luck. :cool: