need advice on protein skimmers


New Member
I have a 90 gal. FOWLR up and running with a wet/dry filter and need to get some advice on what type of protein skimmer I should get.
What would be the best skimmer i could get without costing me an arm and a leg?


Active Member
Prizm might be enough depending on your bioload and can be found for $60-70. How much were you looking to spend? Is low maintenance a consideration?


New Member
thanks for the response Fender... I would like to stay under $200 and was looking for something that's simple and low maintenance.


There are lots of cheap skimmers but there are no GOOD cheap skimmers. You can save and buy a good skimmer now or you can waste 200.00 and buy a cheap worthless skimmer.


Active Member
Do a search on turbofloaters. I assume you're talking about a hang-on skimmer. Many have spoken well of them. Others have had success with CPRs depending on bio-load. Check the various sites that sell skimmers and then post specific brand questions to the board for their personal experiences. That would probably give you better feedback than just based on price.
Good Luck!