need advice on stocking new tank


Tank stats:
54gal corner
50 lbs lr
70 lbs ls
380w lighting
2 power heads
Here is my wish list for fish:
Coral Beauty or Flame Angel
True Percula clown or maroon clown
Brown or Yellow Tang
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (if compatible with others)
If possible, a Snowflake Eel ( I would gladly swap out any of the above for this one)
Asst'd inverts
cleaning crew
Can I get a "critique" on my list and maybe some suggestions on more compatible choices.


Active Member
You need a bigger tank for a tang. The angel is a good choice for that size tank, very colorful.


The eel will eat some of your cleaner crew, and will eventually eat your clownfish. You may want to get a larger tank for a tang. Many experts recommend atleast 75 gallons for the yellow tang but most people would agree that you should have atleast 100 gallons. A flame or coral beauty would do great in that size tank, same with the clownfish. I would pass on the eel because it will limit what kind of fish you can keep with it. Of course you could always test your luck with a snowflake eel because sometimes they will get along with very small fish while other individuals will eat their tankmates. A fuzzy dwarf should be ok just as long as you don't keep very small shrimp or anything like that.


Active Member
No. If you have a really large tank you can try two dwarf angels. I tried two ( a flame and a pygmy) in my 75 and they fought. I had to move the pygmy to my 55.


So how is this for a revised list?
Coral Beauty or Flame Angel
2 True Percula or maroon clowns
Green Mandarin (when my tank is more established)
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (if compatible with others)
Plus asst'd inverts and cleaning crew