Need Advice! Please Help!


New Member
Well, I had a 20 gallon tank with 3 stripped damsles and 2 yellow damsels. And one Yellow Tang. YES, I was actually dumb enough to believe my salesman when he told me a Yellow Tang would be fine in 20 gallons. So I have a question.....
My Yellow Tang ate, or somehow destroyed, all of my damsels, and now has ICH very badly, I am treating him with the appropriate medications, but I think I spotted it too late and he will most likely die.
So onto the question. After my fishes passes *crosses fingers he'll be okay and I can give him to a friend with a 120 gal. tank* I am going to clean the tank throughly to rid of parasites, then start cycling all over again.
Should I buy live sand and some live rock? What I'd like to do is buy a few clown fish, and an aneome (so it's more like a natural home for my clown's_ Do you guys think my plan is feasible for my tank size and past experience I just had with my Tang and damsels?
I am currently reading ALL the FAQ's on this site, and I also purchased "Saltwater Aquariums for dummies" which I find helpful. I was so dissapointed when my baby's (my fish, I got attached what can I say) began to die.
Please leave feedback and ideas, I really appreacite it!
Thanks again!


Start over again! Grab some sand and let that cycle for a few weeks, then but plenty of rock and let it cycle for up to a month is you have the patience.
Clown are really easy to keep, just make sure the ones you buy are compatable with each other.. my maroon clown took a disliking to anything clown related!!
If you want an anemone, make sure that the anaemone you buy is the right type for the species of clown, I bought a $40 carpet and my maroon won't go near it the fussy lil bugger!
So good luck and have fun, clowns are fun little guys that are virtually unkillable!


Active Member
Try to buy an anemone that is already hosting a clown in the store if u can. Thats yer best bet. Also, buy some pretty powerful lights to keep the anemone alive. It out not to be too difficult or pricey considering the size of yer tank. Maybe strong power compacts or metal halides. Sorry bout yer fish, but dont be discouraged in any way, u were fooled by the pet store.

debbie g

Also, you may want to hold off on the anemone until your tank is up and healthy for about 6 months as they are more difficult to keep. Take your time. Your fish would be fine without an anemone. Read some more of the threads about anemones. Good Luck!
P.S. Are you keeping a quarantine tank? Get one if you don't have one already.