Need Advice Please!


Ok so my wife and I spent the last two days setting up our new tank. Here is the short list.
150gal with 14in canopy with two fans
AquaC EV-200 with Mag 12 pump skimmer in 30 gal sump.
All plumming is 1in/ID, asside from the overflow bulk head which is 1.5.
There are two returns to my tank. I am using two T4's.
Lighting is Hamelton 14k three MH and Two VHO's.
253lbs of live rock and 2.5in of live sand.
Total from my local LFR $4200.00 I was feeling fairley good about the whole thing until I set it all up and ran it for about three hours to find that with the lights NEVER turned on my tank temp is 80.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Called the local LFR and they said well your going to need a chiller and we have a special for $800.00 its a 1/3hp chiller with a free pump (Here is a link for the chiller)(
I am a bit upset that they helped me configure a system that is going to require a chiller and did not let me know that it was going to be required. Also do I need this chiller is there another one I should get? Is there something else I should do?
Other Facts: Tank is inside and the temp of my home is always arround 70. I live in Southern California.
THanks for your suggestions.


Active Member
You shouldn't be alarmed unless your tank is constantly over 82-83...80 is even abit on the cooler side..Try running your lights and see what happends...
Unfortunatley with MH lights, most tanks need chillers.
The only other thing I could suggest is running a fan blowing over your sump..
Or add more fans to your canopy so it removes the heat from the light faster..and not heat the tank.
Or add more vent holes..


Active Member
Yep have to agree with SW65galma.....temp isn't bad, but would try running lights and seeing what the temp goes to.....Is the house or room where the tank is located air conditioned???? The key to temp is keeping it steady with no major fluctuations with it....
Another option might be instead of having the lights on during the hotter parts of the day you might want to reverse your lighting time and have the lights come on later in the day so you get more enjoyment out of the tank while your home from work....possibly having the lights come on at 3 or 4 in the afternoon or a little later and they will be on and everything will be up and out during your max time at home and the lights will be on for max viewing time for you and during the cooler times of the day....HTH


Thanks for your input some good ideas.
So lets day that I buy a chiller what would be a good one? Do I need the one mentioned eariler or?
Anyone used one?


might be a dumb question, but are the heaters turned up to that temp? if this has already been checked, sorry! thought i would suggest it before you spent any more money on a chiller.


Thats a great question. I do have a titanium heater however it is not plugged into its countroller however I will check it.
My home was 68 this morning and to my supprise my tank had climed to 83.1 which is too hot if I decide to turn the lights on so I can actually grow something. So I have turned off my skimmer to see what the temp will do. I now think that a pump is running hot there is no reason that a tank with a mag 12 and thw t-2's should be at 83??
Anyone with any other ideas or chiller suggestions?


Off the subject but,
ilson you dont happen to be the same
ilson that sends out Sig Ep stuff out are you?


impossible for the temp to be that high. Your heater has to be bad or stuck. Take the heater out and Ill bet the temp goes down. If your house was 68 your temp shouldnt be near 83. I have a 150 with 3 250 watt metal halide and 110 VHO My temp never gets above 83 after running all day. My AC set at 74 in the room. You dont need A Chiller, you have a sump, blow a fan across it youll be fine. Just a little more evaporation.