New Member
1 white goby
1coral beaty(angle-dwarf)
1cleaner shrimp
1 rock assorted mushrooms
assorted crabs
10 nassarus snails
10 crith snails
1barnacle blenny
my question is i have hair algea my original plan was to get a lawnmower blenny for this problem but i am not sure if it is compatible with my current tank inhabitants i was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be ok to put a lawnmower blenny in my tank or if anyone would have other suggestions to rid my tank of hair algea. my tank size is 54 gallons....
1coral beaty(angle-dwarf)
1cleaner shrimp
1 rock assorted mushrooms
assorted crabs
10 nassarus snails
10 crith snails
1barnacle blenny
my question is i have hair algea my original plan was to get a lawnmower blenny for this problem but i am not sure if it is compatible with my current tank inhabitants i was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be ok to put a lawnmower blenny in my tank or if anyone would have other suggestions to rid my tank of hair algea. my tank size is 54 gallons....