need advice please!!!!!


New Member
1 white goby
1coral beaty(angle-dwarf)
1cleaner shrimp
1 rock assorted mushrooms
assorted crabs
10 nassarus snails
10 crith snails
1barnacle blenny
my question is i have hair algea my original plan was to get a lawnmower blenny for this problem but i am not sure if it is compatible with my current tank inhabitants i was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be ok to put a lawnmower blenny in my tank or if anyone would have other suggestions to rid my tank of hair algea. my tank size is 54 gallons....


Originally Posted by r76davey
I think I would go for a Yellow Tang, Mine cleaned up my tank really quick. :hilarious
that's not great advice. i would strongly disagree with putting a yellow tang in a 54 corner.
the lawnmower might eat hair algae, but it's not for sure. what are your tank parameters?


New Member
i was wondering if the lawnmower is compatible with my other fish and inverts and if not do you have any other suggestions for removal of hair algea.


Active Member
Hair algae is a real pain in the back side. From everything I've seen 99% of tangs and LMB's won't touch the stuff. Your best bet is to control your nutrient lvls and if you don't have one now you can put in a fuge with a nice macro algae to help lower the nutients. Also regular water changes and perhaps you might want to cut back on feeding.
Also, if you happen to find one at your lfs, you might want to try a sea hare. IMO, they are the only proven eater of hair algae and if you get a decent sized one it will consume a lot of it. The only down side is that they produce A LOT of waste.


Active Member
I put turbo snails in my tank and they mowed my hair alge down like a lawn mower. They won't eat REALLY long hair algae, but mine was pretty long and they ate it all.