need advice, quick!


New Member
I ordered some mushrooms from one of the 'other' big sites. Well I recieved them a few minutes ago, and one of the bags has a pungent odor to it. You can clearly see there is some death goin' on in that bag. (erm..there's stringy stuff one the one end)
Here's my I call the place I bought it from and tell them about it? Do I try to scrub off the corner of death and put it in my QT tank? I have a couple other things that I bought that came today that will be going into the QT tank, so I don't want to spike my nitrates in that tank.. I need advice. I've never run into this before.


Active Member
What's the return policy????? I would hesitate to place the dying one in the tank because the mucuss will stress everyone else out.......
do you have a hospital tank??????
if you do place them in the tank I would grab a extra filter and use carbon to remove the toxins


Active Member
check return policy and see what is available, if the return policy is no good then take some of your qt water place it in a bucket, and put the rock with the shrooms on it in the bucket, get as much of the death corner off as you can, and see what is savable. if there is anything worth saving then put it in your qt, try to remove any of the mushrooms from the rock that are savable, and put them in your qt by themselves. no rock or anything, that way all you have is the mushrooms, and no death corner leaking into the qt water. thats about the best advice i have sorry to hear that you received a bad shipment, i hate it when that happens, hope the return policy is good enough to take care of it for you.


Active Member
if it were my delivery I would take the suspects and put them into a seperatae container(don't feel bad, I don't have a hospital tank either) put the little guys into the container, float the bad for 10 minutes to equalize temp. then dump the mushrooms in. Half the problem they have is that they are suffering from the stress of the trip and the contaminated water that is full of their mucus. I would then add some type of stress coat like novauqa. Give them 15- 20 minutes.......this will give you a better idea of whos still alive and who is dead